Wednesday, March 9, 2011

unemployment rate graph

unemployment graph, current unemployment rate, bad job environment

unemployment graph, current unemployment rate, bad job environment

Graph 18: Unemployment Rate.

Graph 18: Unemployment Rate.

 Unemployment Rate (chart) · Unemployment Rate for Selected Cities

Unemployment Rate (chart) · Unemployment Rate for Selected Cities

Graph 1. Oregon current population survey unemployment rate January 2000 to

Graph 1. Oregon current population survey unemployment rate January 2000 to

unemployment rate chart of the day. Source: Chart of the Day

unemployment rate chart of the day. Source: Chart of the Day

Historically, the African American unemployment rate has persisted at being

Historically, the African American unemployment rate has persisted at being

line chart. This plots the US monthly unemployment rate from January 1989

line chart. This plots the US monthly unemployment rate from January 1989

 DC metro area's unemployment rate is lower than the national average.

DC metro area's unemployment rate is lower than the national average.

 rate falls to levels close to the national unemployment rate. Graph 6

rate falls to levels close to the national unemployment rate. Graph 6

Does This Graph Make Your Nervous? Unemployment Rate: Seasonal

Does This Graph Make Your Nervous? Unemployment Rate: Seasonal

The second graph, however, gives some more historical perspective because it

The second graph, however, gives some more historical perspective because it

Graph 1. Seasonally adjusted unemployment rates 1/90-4/09

Graph 1. Seasonally adjusted unemployment rates 1/90-4/09

The unemployment rate was at 4.8% as recently as a year ago.

The unemployment rate was at 4.8% as recently as a year ago.

Labor Force Data: Seasonal Unemployment Rate Type of Data: Percent

Labor Force Data: Seasonal Unemployment Rate Type of Data: Percent

The low-point unemployment rate before the 1982 recession was 5.3 per cent

The low-point unemployment rate before the 1982 recession was 5.3 per cent

Here are some charts: UNEMPLOYMENT RATE unemployment-rate-chart.jpg

Here are some charts: UNEMPLOYMENT RATE unemployment-rate-chart.jpg

 unemployment rate since 2005, which we've excerpted. From that chart

unemployment rate since 2005, which we've excerpted. From that chart

 unemployment rate graph.

unemployment rate graph.

Graph 4: United States - Unemployment Rate.

Graph 4: United States - Unemployment Rate.

 construct the same charts for unemployment and the unemployment rate.

construct the same charts for unemployment and the unemployment rate.


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