Wednesday, March 9, 2011

audiometry results

The plots (click on it to enlarge it) show the audiometry results of me and

The plots (click on it to enlarge it) show the audiometry results of me and

Audiometric Results

Audiometric Results

On Tables 3 and 4, we analyze the audiometric results according to

On Tables 3 and 4, we analyze the audiometric results according to

The workers with audiometry results suggestive of NIHL presented mean age,

The workers with audiometry results suggestive of NIHL presented mean age,

Audiogram showing Right Ear Results. or like this: where both ears have been

Audiogram showing Right Ear Results. or like this: where both ears have been

 of subjects tested, according to their age and the audiometry results

of subjects tested, according to their age and the audiometry results

Results define the nature and degree of hearing impairment.

Results define the nature and degree of hearing impairment.

Audiometry encompasses those procedures used to measure hearing thresholds.

Audiometry encompasses those procedures used to measure hearing thresholds.

All test results can be exported to *.auq files. These files can be imported

All test results can be exported to *.auq files. These files can be imported

It is equipped with a Diagnostic Audiometer and results are interpreted by

It is equipped with a Diagnostic Audiometer and results are interpreted by

The audiogram below illustrates the decibel hearing levels which correspond

The audiogram below illustrates the decibel hearing levels which correspond

A§E allows you to create your own speech audiometry tests.

A§E allows you to create your own speech audiometry tests.

Plural Publishing Pure-Tone Audiometry and Masking (Core Clinical Concepts

Plural Publishing Pure-Tone Audiometry and Masking (Core Clinical Concepts

 a distribution and characterization of the audiometric results in eight

a distribution and characterization of the audiometric results in eight

The pure tone audiometric pattern for a mixed hearing loss is displayed in

The pure tone audiometric pattern for a mixed hearing loss is displayed in

 have been performed on Dodds' audiogram, the results of which are shown

have been performed on Dodds' audiogram, the results of which are shown

Figure 1 :Mean bilateral pure tone audiometry results (in dBHL) and their

Figure 1 :Mean bilateral pure tone audiometry results (in dBHL) and their

Figure 3 :Mean bilateral Pure Tone audiometry results (in dBHL) and their

Figure 3 :Mean bilateral Pure Tone audiometry results (in dBHL) and their

Hearing results were specified using the audiometric standard in effect when

Hearing results were specified using the audiometric standard in effect when

Bone-conduction audiometry test. Audiometrist testing a patient's hearing

Bone-conduction audiometry test. Audiometrist testing a patient's hearing


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